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Bill S from Adelaide Songs about Yorkshire & Lancashire (111* d) RE: Origins: Yorkshire / Lancashire 10 Jun 08

There may be a shire as is broader
But there's nobbut one ceawnty - just one
As King is a Duke on - that Lanky
An ther's nowt licks a Lancashire mon

A toast; The Queen, Duke of Lancaster

Words from Harry Yates - A Lancashire Mon in Harry Boardman's book

Sammy Shuttleworth's reet gud do, Manchester Molecatcher, Manchester Rambler, Nine times a night etc

Talking of local dialects, I was in Sydney and a lady came past and said "Excuse me" in a very distinct accent. I said "you don't come far from Bolton", she got reet indignant and said "I am not from Bolton, I'm from Walkden", I was one mile off!

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