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Polly Squeezebox BS: Jon Heslop is 60 (46) RE: BS: Jon Heslop is 60 30 Jun 08

We've just arrived home from sunny Kernow. Jack took a few days off and NOW THAT I'M RETIRED (you must all be getting sick of my saying that!) I didn't have to rush back.

Thanks to Kathy for organising such a brilliant weekend. It's a good job Jon doesn't have a heart problem - we could have finished him off with all the surprises. I'm sure we're all going to enjoy listening to the 'special CD' (various artists singing Jon's songs, limited edition of 60 - one for each year) and it will bring us happy memories of a wonderful weekend for years to come.

1948 was obviously a vintage year - Jon and myself both reaching 60 within days of each other!

Polly (Jack, & Zak says - Happy Woofday)

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