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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Joe Offer, at the Women's Center BS: Why not just BAN Guests? (124* d) RE: BS: Why not just BAN Guests? 14 Jul 08

The "short list of simple rules" is in the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), as is all necessary contact information.

The FAQ, by the way, is just the first ten messages of the FAQ thread, up to the point where it says "The End." What follows is room for questions and discussion, which is cleaned up when I get around to it.

OTOH, I have to say that the tone of your messages is downright unpleasant, perhaps even mean-spitited. People are going to start pressuring me to do something about you, so that then you can become the martyr you aspire to be. I realize that you proably have some sort of divine right to be nasty and unpleasant, so I'll let you go for a while and see if you get it out of your system or get bored and go away.

So be nice, hey?

-Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-

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