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GUEST,Donna-Lee Lyr Add: Spider's Web (60* d) RE: Lyr Add: Spider's Web 15 Jul 08

Tattapanum is up for sale for $650k. I was also there when you girls were, but I was a camper. Seven of those years to be exact. I remember lots of songs and some counselors' names. Peaches was from Mississippi, Cristy was there most of the years I was there and I think she went to Bridgewater state. I have great memories and would love to find any of my tent mates. Cedarwood, Birchwood, Tupelo any of this sound familiar? Calico?? Hmm. that sounds familiar. One of the counselors wrote a song,. I think is went: "The trees are whispering, they whisper loud and clear" We sang alot of peter, paul and mary songs. How do we find each other?

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