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GUEST,Betsy at Work rant against folk festival sponsor (68* d) RE: rant against folk festival sponsor 17 Jul 08

If VW hadn't been sponsoring the event, then the Organisers may not have been able to pay this R Sole's fee.
If he knew VW were sponsoring the event, why did agree to perform if this company is so offensive to him. Chicken and egg I believe.
Maybe the next time he finds himself in a Thyssen lift (elevator) I hope he will elect to get out and walk the 15 flights.
I'm sure you all have examples of this type of thing.
We have not to forget the souls who died during the Wars (especially in Europe to which this R.Sole refers ), but this sort of thing is an inverted form of Nazi-ism , and destroys the understanding that warring factions can eventually,to come together and make something useful to both sides ,instead of bombing and killing each other.
Incidentally, over the years, I honestly haven't heard many complaints about the quality of this particular product.

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