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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Dave Masterson BS: Postcard from Skiathos 2008 (14) RE: BS: Postcard from Skiathos 2008 18 Jul 08

Haven't stayed on Skiathos, just passed through a couple of times on the way to Volos, but Rogers remark about the airport is certainly true. The (very) short runway gives your pilot a chance to demonstrate just how good the brakes are on his plane… thankfully!

We have stayed the last couple of years at Kala Nera, so totally agree with Tabsters remarks about the Pelion. The railway up the mountain to Milies is indeed spectacular. The first time we went, Eileen and I had the opportunity to sing in the Church at Milies to demonstrate the superb acoustics. We returned last year and our guide remembered us and got us to do it again. A return booking! We've arrived!

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