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GUEST,Bill the sound Lyr Req: Ballad of Joe Hill (16) RE: Lyr Req: Ballad of Joe Hill 18 Jul 08


I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night, alive as you and me
Says I, but Joe you're ten years dead
I never died, said he. I never died said he.

They framed you on a murder charge
Says Joe, but I ain't dead, says Joe, but I ain't dead

The copper bosses killed you Joe. They shot you Joe, says I
Takes more than guns to kill a man
Says Joe, I didn't die, says Joe, I didn't die.

And standing there as big as life, and smiling with his eyes
Joe says, what they forgot to kill
Went on to organise, went on to organise

Joe Hill ain't dead, he says to me, Joe Hill ain't never died
Where working men are out on strike
Joe Hill is at their side, Joe Hill is at their side

From San Diego up to Maine, in every mine and mill
Where workers strike and organise
Says he, You'll find Joe Hill, says he You'll find Joe Hill

I hope this is what you want
All the best

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