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GUEST,Geoff Luebbert Lyr req: Ian & Sylvia songs. Katy Dear, others (33) Lyr Add: CUTTY WREN (from Ian & Sylvia) 23 Jul 08

CUTTY WREN (traditional)

Oh where are you going said Milder to Malder
Oh we may not tell you said Fessel to Fose
We're off to the woods said John the Red Nose
We're off to the woods said John the Red Nose

And what will you do there said Milder to Malder
Oh we may not tell you said Fessel to Fose
We'll shoot the Cutty Wren said John the Red Nose
We'll shoot the Cutty Wren said John the Red Nose

How will you shoot her said Milder to Malder
Oh we may not tell you said Fessel to Fose
With bows and with arrows said John the Red Nose
With bows and with arrows said John the Red Nose

Oh that will not do, said Milder to Malder
Oh what will do then, said Fessel to Fose
Big guns and big cannons said John the Red Nose
Big guns and big cannons said John the Red Nose

And how will you bring her home said Milder to Malder
Oh we may not tell you said Fessel to Fose
On four strong men's shoulders said John the Red Nose.
On four strong men's shoulders said John the Red Nose.

Oh that will not do said Milder to Malder
Oh what will do then said Fessel to Fose
Big carts and big wagons said John the Red Nose
Big carts and big wagons said John the Red Nose

How will you cut her up said Milder to Malder
Oh we may not tell you said Fessel to Fose
With knives and with forks said John the Red Nose
With knives and with forks said John the Red Nose

Oh that will not do said Milder to Malder
Oh what will do then said Fessel to Fose
Big hatchets and cleavers said John the Red Nose
Big hatchets and cleavers said John the Red Nose

Oh how will you cook her said Milder to Malder
Oh we may not tell you said Fessel to Fose
With pots and with pans John the Red Nose
With pots and with pans John the Red Nose

Oh that will not do said Milder to Malder
Oh what will do then said Fessel to Fose
Bloody great brass cauldrons said John the Red Nose
Bloody great brass cauldrons said John the Red Nose

Oh who'll get the spare ribs said Milder to Malder
Oh we may not tell you said Fessel to Fose
We'll give 'em all to the poor said John the Red Nose
We'll give 'em all to the poor said John the Red Nose


This allegory of regicide was also resurrected more recently by Chumbawamba.

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