Greasy in later years (very early 70s) played banjo along with a piano player named "Slim" at Shakeys Pizza Parlor on Airport Blvd in West Columbia SC. The two wore red and white vests and derby hats and played songs such as "Roll Out The Barrell" and sing along for the customers. the words were put on the wall for those wishing to sing to. During their breaks, they would show old Laurel and Hardy silent movies. My father played trumpet and used to go in to play with them on weekends (tho my dad wasn't hired by the pizza place they liked him coming in). I have many fond memories of that place and the three of them. Greasy was a talented musician (self taught for the most part) and also MC and added lots of humor to their show. I only wish I had pictures of that. Greasy also had a relative (brother I think) named Irvin Medlin who also used to come to Shakeys (on rare occasion) and after a few beers, used to join them and sing "The Lonesome Whipporwill" All of this at Shakeys was well after his performing with "The Hired Hands" which I really don't remember, tho I did see pictures of Greasy in both black face and clown attire and again... thanks to finding these posts, it has brought back many fond memories. Thanks