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GUEST,Peter Armstrong, globe trotter ADD: Rum and Coconut Water (21) RE: lyric: drink'n rum and coconut water-need son 06 Aug 08

...who grew up on a sugar plantation in the West Indies:

Oh baby won't you come with me
We go back to de West Indies.
For honey can't you see I've lost
My pep and my energy.

Chorus: What I need is rum and coconut water, man!
Rum and coconut water, man!
Rum and coconut watah I cyannot get in America.

When I was very young.
I was very robust and strong.
But now I walk the streets I feel a weakness in my feet!


In America they have snow.
In Jamaica it is not so.
Me body's gettin' so old
I can no longer stand the cold.


Didn't learn any more verses, or my pornographic memory has failed me...again!

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