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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bizibod BS: Do Your Underwear Bind Up on You? (55* d) RE: BS: Do Your Underwear Bind Up on You? 10 Sep 08

I remember youth-hostelling in Derbyshire in my teens ( late 1960's) wearing paper pants the fabric of which looked rather like j-cloths.
By tea-time when you reached the next hostel there was nowt left but the elastic round the waist and shredded rolls of pale blue falling out the legs of your jeans.Happy days !
Walked out of a pub the other night into the path of a lady whose underwear was misbehaving. As she hoiked it back into place she said, " OOh, 'scuse me, I'm taking in washing !"
Laugh? Nearly had to change my own !

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