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GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie Lyr ADD: Return To Fiddler's Cross (Bob Pegg) (10) RE: Lyr Req: Return To Fiddler's Cross (Bob Pegg) 12 Sep 08

Many thanks for your kind words Bob. Anyone interested in Bobs Fiddlers Cross songs may also be interested in the follow up songs written by myself and Andy Sugden, all of which will be available on YOUTUBE. Some are there already notably
Peter the Fiddler - B.M.Baillie
The Crossroads Fiddle - Andy Sugden
The Crossroads Moon - B.M.Baillie (as well as Bobs two originals)
There are also some not on YOUTUBE yet. Jack the Drummer, Billy the Blacksmiths son, Guiseppe Ochinero, and the Gypsys Vow. Plus some more we've got ideas for but not even written yet! Are we obsessed or what? MAYBE! But they are such good songs and such a wonderful legend/idea. We felt that there were a lot of tantalising questions unanswered in the original songs that we wanted to explore. We eventually hope to make an album out of the project but that's in the future.

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