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Pete MacGregor Bob Stewart - where is he now? (60* d) RE: Bob Stewart - where is he now? 14 Sep 08

Hi Bonnie et al
Lots of bits and pieces being raised from a while back. At the risk of it becoming an Alikadoo session here goes.

I first knew Bob when he was living in Bristol and working often as a duo either with Paul Evans or Albert Lightfoot. This was sometime in the sixties (sorry about the vagueness). At the time Bob had no transport hence perhaps his infrequent appearances in Bath except when he had been booked. Later he moved to Bath and for a while I drove him to some of the more local gigs.

Chanticleer existed for a few years around 1970 and was me, Mary MacGregor and Dave Galloway who we lost a couple of years ago. We couldn't afford an acapella so we had to sing unaccompanied.

I still see Dave Adams from time to time although he hasn't been singing AFAIK.

Rosie and I are still doing the occasional song (whilst carrying out the traditional married couple's argument on stage) - the latest installment being this lunchtime at the Bradford on Avon Arts Festival between the Punch and Judy Show and the samba drummers.

Effsee - I lived for a while as a youngster in Bo'ness which is to the north of Bathgate and gave me the inspiration for several songs although I probably wouldn't have thought so at the time I was there. Some of them are recorded on the CD 'When Years Were Long"

Bonnie - if you are in contact with Packie please give him Rosie and my best wishes to the both of you with the memories of many wonderful evenings.


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