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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
IceWolf So Where IS Your Computer??? (96* d) RE: So Where IS Your Computer??? 21 Jun 00

Hi folkses,

I have a tiny one BR apartment (am I the only Mudcatter who doesn't own a house?), and my computer, printer, scanner, wife's computer, wife's printer, and assorted other peripherals have more or less taken over the living "area".

The rest of the place is occupied by my harp, three guitars, a dobro, and two cats - which, as most of you know, take up much more space than they should according to the laws of physics, particularly with regards to bed space. Not to mention the bookshelves on every wall, most doublestacked.

In November, though, I will be moving into a HOUSE. Any Tampa-based Mudcats are welcome to help out! *grin*


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