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GUEST,Graham Bradshaw Shrewsbury Festival - How disappointing (69* d) RE: Shrewsbury Festival - How disappointing 07 Oct 08

Of course you can expect good sound.

"Perfect" sound is a little more difficult to achieve in these big structures, but that is what we are continually striving for.

For your information, it is the same sound company (mine!) that does Warwick, Bromyard and Shrewsbury - using the same high quality equipment. There is just more of it at Shrewsbury, in order to cover the much larger area.

I am not going to get into an argument about which was better, and whether it was too loud, or too quiet (both opinions have been expressed). All it proves is that different people have different perceptions, and expectations, and you'll never please everybody.

Suffice it to say that we take all sensible criticism seriously, and you'll find that myself, along with Alan & Sandra Surtees, are actually our own harshest critics, and are usually well aware of what works and what doesn't.


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