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GUEST,Tom H. Lyr Req: Hose Me Down (Greg Scott & Joe Weihi) (23) RE: Lyric Req: Anti-Shanty 20 Oct 08

Joe W. and Greg S. of Seattle were the original authors of "Hose Me Down Boys" circa late 1980's
The song was first sung at Wooden Boat Show and consisted of five pleasant little verses
Over the years it has grown to over several hundred verses and it is proudly politically incorrect. You can find something to offend anyone in the long play version.
I my self have ten verses. John H has over 50 verses.
Those of us who were in on it originally are highly offended that some jackals recorded it.


Originally three conditions had to be met to sing it

1: The cloak of darkness
2: The fog of alcohol
3: The guarantee of anonymity

Some in the folk community have tried to clean it up make it more of a family entertainment.

This really was a travesty that has, to date, gone unpunished.

For those of you that ever heard the original one and half hour presentation, your lives forever remain unchanged

And no I wont send you the verses

No self respecting Hoser would ever do that.

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