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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Suffolk Miracle Lyr Req: Cock a doodle doo (25) RE: Lyr Req: Cock a doodle doo 21 Oct 08

"I suspect it is related to the above posting from Nigel.

I would be interested if anyone knows more."

I doubt if it is related in anyway, but for Hootenanny's benefit:

Last Saturday night I went to take a walk
Down to Petticoat Lane to hear the people talk.
A fellow was selling birds; he had a remarkable stock.
I gave the fellow half a crown and he gave me his ...
CHO Cock-a-Doodle Doo. It's nothing to do with you.
It's a very small cock, but it's all that I've got
And it's nothing to do with you.

I put it under my coat and I began to walk.
I hadn't got very far when it began to squawk.
A lady was passing by and she gave me a hell of a shock:
She said, 'Young man if you don't watch out you're going to lose your ...CHO

I put it in a pen along with my old hen.
Oh what a how do you do. Oh what a hulabaloo.
I rushed out to see, when the bird began to squawk
Before I got there that dozzy old hen had bitten a lump off my ...CHO

And now my song is done I can no longer stay.
No point in staying here. I must be on my way.
Just one more thing to ask before I take a walk.
Is there any young woman in the room who would like to handle my ...CHO

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