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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GaryD Lyr Req: Cowboys of Baja Have Stolen My Heart (9) RE: Lyr Req: Cowboys of Baja have Stolen my Heart 22 Oct 08

Thanks, guys!.... I appreciate your help, and as always, I'm always amazed at your expertise out there.... Also loved the little Spanish lesson.... my talents lie more in Swedish, which is no help in this song! Although I could probably come up with a few Sven & Ole jokes... you know "Sven isn't as dumb as he looks.... although of course he almost CAN'T be!"....

Anyway, thanks for the lyrics, I'll sing it at my next jam... by the way, Joe's comment about listening to this lady is a good one. If you haven't heard her sing, you really oughta!..

Take Care,   Gary

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