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GUEST,Suffolk Miracle songs about remembering (66* d) RE: songs about remembering 23 Oct 08

By the firelight's gentle gleaming I am sitting here and dreaming;
It's a pleasure to recall again the days that now are gone.
But I find upon reflection that my fondest recollections
Are the lilting fiddle music and the dancing in Glenrone (x2)

Every jig and reel, I mind them; in my memory I still find them,
When I think back to my boyhood and the days beyond recall.
Though I'm old and growing dreary, yet my heart will never weary
Of the lilting fiddle music and the dancing in Glenrone (x2)

You girls, you were the neatest and your dancing was the sweetest,
And I'll never find your equal now in the valleys of Tyrone.
Us lads were young and steady, and it's always we were ready
For the lilting fiddle music and the dancing in Glenrone (x2)

As I sit a while and ponder, in my mind I sometimes wonder
Why we ever leave such pleasures for a life so cold and lone;
And I wish I was returning to begin again life's morning
With the lilting fiddle music and the dancing in Glenrone (x2)

Though my age is swift advancing, yet I know there'll still be dancing
In a cottage by the glenside where my thoughts tonight have flown.
So may joy of life betide you - may the hand of Heaven guide you -
May I live to see you all againn still dancing in Glenrone (x2)

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