My partner, Richard, has started getting interested in early American historical reenactment, starting with the French & Indian War period. In researching some of the early gunsmiths in the Colonies and young America, he has learned that many, especially in Pennsylvania, were of Moravian extraction. They were pacifists, though they built guns (I understand one was shunned for selling too many to outsiders) and were apparently known for their musicality and for their peaceful cooexistence with the local Indian tribes. Richard told me that they were known for gathering in high places and making a great noise with their singing, which impressed the Indians no end. I gather that this is a far cry from either Shaker or Shape-note music. We have sent away for a CD of Moravian music, which has not arrived yet, but I am wondering if anyone here on Mudcat is familiar with this style, and can recommend performers, sources, etc. Thanks! Lynn