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GUEST,Geoff the Duck Lyr Req: There's a Baby in My Dinner (M Forster) (17) RE: Lyr Req: Baby In My Dinner! 07 Nov 08

About 9 or 10 years back, we heard it in our local primary school Infants Nativity Play. It was after the baby Jesus had arrived and had been laid on a bed of hay. It was a comment from the donkey/ass probably around the time shepherds or kings were visiting. I cannot recall if it was a songs worth or just a short filler.
My recollection is of of the kids singing :-
Ee-aw ee-aw, doesn't anybody care.
There's a baby in my dinner, and they just don't care.

At the time we thouhght it was a marvellous line.
I've asked our Maddie, who was the infant in the play, but she doesn't remember any more than that either.


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