Sorcha, thank you for your comforting words and sharing a part of your life which has caused you so much pain. That is a heavy burden to carry and I very much feel your sadness. (And Thank you all). But please don't respect me too much. I am not at all open-minded about what I saw on that web site. Perhaps only open-minded enough to say that I have no right to pass judgement on a woman who decides to have an early abortion. I have no right to pass judgement period. At the risk of starting a war here, I must offer this: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." That was an all-encompassing statement. That's how I feel about most issues. But I have to (and have) drawn the line with PBA's. I will admit that web sites, whether they be Pro Choice or Pro Life can be inflamitory. How many PBA's have actually occured? How many is too many. I say one. In my mind/heart that child pictured, optiomizes innocence and purity and all of mankind, to say the least. That child had rights. That child a right to life. I'm lost for words, Sorcha, I'm lost with this and sick and mortified. I saw something with my own eyes, heard something with my own ears and yet I cannot believe this to be true. Funny isn't it.