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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Vicki Obit: Mudcatter Billy the Bus (8 Dec 2008) (29) RE: Obit: Mudcatter Billy the Bus (8 Dec 2008) 13 Dec 08

Hi guys, just stumbled across this site while looking for some stuff about Sam. He passed away peacefully on Monday night, well, apart from the whiskey drinkers in the other room making a noise! he hasn't been hooked up to the internet for a while now, but he spoke about this site fondly.The funeral is tomorrow at the Community Centre, I'd be happy to print this thread out for attendees to read, if that would be a good idea? There will be no hymns sung tomorrow, only some of Sam's record collection being played and possibly a wee dram or two. Billy the bus will be outside as that poor bugger's on his last legs too!
Lovely to read all your comments about Sam, I've only known him for the last couple of years but he was a very special person.

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