Sorry about that - I'll get the hang of this yet. Here is the song from the second verse on -
Wisha, Brian, you've been drinking now, you rogue!
I can tell it by your winking, Brian Og.
For you'd ne'er be such a villain as to take the Saxon shillin'
And do their dirty killin', Brian Og.
And sure what would all the boys say, Brian Og,
That you've turned a redcoat heathen, Brian Og?
Go list so, if it please you. Ach! You villain, do not tease me.
Sure you'd drive a cailin crazy, Brian Og.
'Twas yourself that drove me to it, Molly Bawn.
When you read my death, you'll rue it, Molly Bawn.
When I die mid' foemen wrestin’, where the balls like hail are whistlin',
Aye and bloody bayonets bristlin', Molly Bawn.
Sure I done it all to prove you, Brian Og.
Oh I hate—oh no!—I love you, Brian Og.
But keep up your heart, a chara, for I'll buy you out tomorrow,
Though I'll die of shame and sorrow, Brian Og.
And to think that you would doubt me, Brian Og,
And meself so wild about you, Brian Og!
Would you let that thief Phil Dornan come and wed me in the morning?
Faith, you might have give me warnin', Brian Og.
Oh, I'm strong and hale and hearty, Molly Bawn.
Sure I'm just like Bonaparty, Molly Bawn.
And the devil the list I listed, for the sergeant tried but missed it,
And you’re mine now. you've confessed it, Molly Bawn.
Sure I'm killed right out with scheming, Brian Og.
It's meself that thinks it shaming, Brian Og.
Since you didn’t take the shillin' just to save your life I'm willin'
To get wed. Behave, you villain, Brian Og.
HTML line breaks corrected, and some punctuation added. --JoeClone, 19-Apr-02.