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GUEST,JimmyC Lyr ADD: Slaney Valley (40) Lyr Add: SLANEY VALLEY 05 Jul 00

Indigo - I believe there are only 3 verses plus the chorus - here's what I have:


Asthoreen Bawn, when first we met,
I can see the roses yet,
And the light that lit your little eyes of blue.
I can hear your sweet voice say,
Welcome as the flowers in May
In a dream, and when I whispered back to you.

CHORUS: Will you come with me, asthore,
When the summer day is o’er
And the rooks are winging homeward in the sky?
When the mountains fade away
On a field of gold and grey,
We'll go home to Slaney Valley, you and I.

Asthoreen Bawn, when you said yes,
Brimful was my happiness.
Summer sped as ne'er before on flying feet.
Never shone the moon so bright
In a starry cape of night.
Never sang the thrushes so divinely sweet. CHO.

Asthoreen Bawn, for years you've been
In my heart it's rightful queen,
Ever loving, ever tender, ever true.
Like the sun your smile has shone,
Gladdening all it glowed upon,
As it did when first I whispered back to you. CHO.

Enjoy, I would be interested in any additional verses as well.

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