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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
WillH (inactive) Communist Bob speaks about 4th of July (49) RE: Communist Bob speaks about 4th of July 08 Jul 00

I don't know about anyone else, but I am disturbed about how paranoid people seem to be. If the post is a hoaz, I can't see what the point of it is. All he really said was that he left the country, traveled a bit, and that people everywhere were patriotic about their own country, and that he thought about that everytime he felt like saying patriotic things,

He did imply that he was a folksinger, and the way he cutsies things up and has a nice little point at the end makes me believe it. That third person thing too.

Anyway, Communist Bob has some real and very human things to say, even if you don't like his folkie style. and the people that responded to him said some very real, human, and important things to say. Somebody comes along and yells "Phoney" and then it turns into nothing but paranoid rantings

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