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GUEST,Hugo BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce (92* d) RE: BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce 27 Jan 09

I think you have it wrong John!

Hamas,a week ago, said it would stop its military operations for a week to give the Israelis time to pull out.However,it also said that the military and economic blockade of this city of around a million and a half residents was intolerable and if the blockade was not lifted military operations would resume at the end of this period.
During the past week there have been Israeli flyovers above Gaza and the blockade has not been lifted.

Apparently, the Israelis will not even allow a bag of cement into the city and is also maintaining its naval blockade firing even at the very smallest of fishing craft a few hundred metres of the Gaza beach.

Despite all its massive military superiority Israel cannot bend the Palestinians to its will.

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