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WillH (inactive) Lyr Req: Miserlou (63* d) ADD: Miserlou 11 Jul 00

Here are the lyrics that I have. They go with the second part of the melody. If there are lyrics for the first part of the melody, I have never seen them. A lot of people think that this is an old Middle Eastern folksong, but it was a popular song, written in 1941, by R.N. Roubanis. Harry James had a hit with it in 1941, Jan August(xylophonist) had a hit in 1951, and Leon Berry (Organist) had a hit in 1953. All of them were instrumentals. Xavier Cugat also played the song, while people danced the Rhumba.

The chords are: (First Part) D/D/D/D/D (2x) D#/D#/D/D (2x)

(Second Part) Gm/Gm/F/F/ Eb/Eb7/D/D D#7/D#7/D/D(2x)


Are the moon,
And the Sun,
Fairest one!

Old temple bells
Are calling across the sand
We'll find our Kismet
Answering love's command.

Are a dream
Of delight
In the Night!

To an oasis sprinkled by stars above
Heaven will guide us,
Allah will bless our love!

Ah, Ah, Miserlou!

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