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WillH (inactive) Jacomo finane? What does that mean?-Iko Iko (179* d) RE: Jacomo finane? What does that mean? 12 Jul 00

I believe that Aaron Neville produced the Wild Tchoupitoulas album, and that the music was played by the Neville Brothers, with Dr. John and others.

Guitarist mentioned Mardi Gras being associated with the tradition of Mummer's pagents, which makes me think of Philadephia's Mummer's parade. The costumes are so much like the Indian Tribes, but the routines are way more elaborate, and for some reason, they celebrate on New Year's Day (Which is known as Mummer's Day in Philadelphia)

The music that the Philadelphia String Bands play is nothing like indian tribe music though. For that matter, the Morris Music and Carneval music are nothing like the others either, and the pagents are all closely related, at least in terms of tradition..

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