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ced2 BS: trainspotting - how to (49) RE: BS: trainspotting - how to 18 Feb 09

Two sites will be of assistance in making matters much more steamy are the U K Heritage Railways site, dealing mainly with preserved stuff and having links to most preseved lines, data bases on locomotives (not engines) carriages, wagons, widgets etc and the site that lists most steam tours and loco movements on the national rail system One step further is to become a volunteer on a preserved line... golf widows?.. you aint seen nothin yet!! Alas my computer knowledge is only a fraction of the railway rubbish contained within my cranium so I'm not clear how to translate the sites in my favourites box to blue clicky things.. And sorry as lb/in2 rules am not really bothered to learn. Must get back to the hundreds of photos from the weekend's gricing before they get overwhelmed by even more next weekend!!! SAD SAD

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