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GUEST,Goodwill Hunting Raffi (8) RE: Raffi 15 Jul 00

This is a bit of a long shot, but I would suggest the following.

Contact ACTRA (the Canadian Actors Union), because anyone recording and doing televison in Canada has to be a member.)

They are notorious for giving out home phone numbers of famous Canadian people and celebs.

When you call them, don't tell them the info you have posted here. Instead tell them you are interested in booking him for a large children's event and are trying to reach him.

They will either give you his home phone number in British Columbia, or give you the number of his management, and then, you can plead your case.

ACTRA'S number is: (416)489-1311
His full name is Raffi Cavoukian.
Best of luck and let us know how it works out.

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