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GUEST,matsian Lyr Req: Suitors (O Le Le O Bahia) (trad. Brazil) (34) RE: Lyr Req: Suitors (O Lê Lê O Bahia) (trad. Brazil) 07 Mar 09

I learned this song at Camp Kettle Run in Medford, New Jersey. I learned it with a different third verse, though my friend from Michigan knew the exact same words to the third verse.


There are suitors at my door, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
Six or eight or even more, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
And my father wants me wed, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
Or at least that's what he said, oh a lay oh bah kee yah

Oh lay oh la, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
Oh lay oh la, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
Oh lay oh la, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
Oh lay oh la, oh a lay oh bah kee yah

And I told him that I will, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
When the rivers run up hill, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
And the fish begin to fly, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
Or the day before I die, oh a lay oh bah kee yah

Chorus: Oh...

And so I left the very next day, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
For at home I could not stay, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
For I'm off to see my love, oh a lay oh bah kee yah
For he comes from up above, oh a lay oh bah kee yah

Chorus: Oh...

While singing the chorus one or more singers would hold the "la" at the end of "oh lay oh la" while the others continued singing "oh a lay oh bah kee yah.

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