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TonyA Song Circle in Ocean County, NJ (6) Song Circle in Ocean County, NJ 12 Mar 09

Any folk singers in the Toms River, New Jersey area?

We're trying to start a song circle at the Ocean County Artists Guild in Island Heights, NJ. It's 2 miles east of downtown Toms River, along the north bank of the river. There's a map and directions at the web site.

The Annex behind the main building (shown in photos at the web site) includes a studio space that's great for folk music. It's acoustically live, and it's quiet. No street noises, no noise from the lights or the heating & air conditioning system. There's a little kitchen down the hall where people can have coffee or a snack without disturbing the music. And the art galleries will be open, too, for anyone who wants to take a break from the singing. We've had some musical events there before, but the idea for this song circle is to become a regular monthly event, a chance to share songs that you've written or found, and/or to hear songs other people bring. There's no P.A. system, and no need for one, and in fact no amplifiers are allowed. We'll sit in a circle, around a big table, and take turns.

The first song circle will begin at 6:00 pm, Sunday, March 22. We can talk about whether that's a good day and time to meet each month, or if some other time would be better. For any other information, please either post a message here or send an e-mail to

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