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TonyA Tech: live rec. on a laptop? (22) RE: Tech: live rec. on a laptop? 16 Mar 09

I've done field recording on a laptop, and liked the result. Sometimes it was better running on battery power. The AC power line can catch noise from other equipment and bring it in.

Does your laptop have a stereo line input to plug the preamp into? Most of them don't. Most laptops have only 2 audio jacks -- a stereo line output and a mono mic input. A few laptops have a stereo line input also, so they have 3 audio jacks like on a desktop.

If you plug a stereo mini phone plug from a preamp into a mono mic input, you'll get one channel from the preamp going to both channels of the sound card. No problem, I guess, if there's only one microphone going into both channels of the preamp, but it's something to keep in mind.

For laptops with only two audio jacks you need a USB external audio adaptor to get a stereo signal into the computer.

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