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GUEST,Graham Bradshaw Advice on a mixer (26) RE: Advice on a mixer 31 Mar 09

There is, and always has been, a lot of snobbishness about PA gear. Badges are all important. I know a lot of Pro sound people who wouldn't be seen dead using Behringer. However, here is a story which you might find interesting..........

Whilst at my repair man's workshop, we got to talking about Behringer. "Are they any good", I says. "Yes" he says, "the components are good quality, but they are built to a price, but represent good value for money. Quality control is a bit lacking, but it's all chips so they either work or they don't." Then he said, "Come and look at this". On the workbench were 2 mixers, both stripped down in the process of being repaired. They looked identical inside - same board layout, same components etc. One was a Mackie, the other a Behringer. BUT, outside they were quite different cosmetically. And that seemed to be the ONLY difference.

My repairman said, "To all intents and purposes, they are identical electronically. It's just that one costs more than twice as much as the other. You are paying for the badge and the different external design."

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