Squeezy makes a good point about the way that un-accounted for monies are distributed. At present, these monies are divvied up pro-rata to a member's paid royalties, which is why people like Paul McCartney get so much. However, in the dim and distant past when I first joined, they had a flat rate scheme, which was called if I remember the Unallocated payments allowance, or something similar. This was great because, us pond-life at the bottom of the food chain used to get a disproportionately bigger chunk of this unidentified money (it was divvied up equally amongst all members). Not surprisingly, the greedy big fish didn't like this, and as they have all the voting clout, the system was changed to the present one several years ago. My PRS income plummeted as a result to a level which now makes one wonder whether it is worth all the aggro filling in all the forms. As with all of these megalithic organisations, all the power resides with the big fish. The answer of course is an alternative organisation devoted to collecting royalties for the small fry. But without the money 'earned' by the big fish, the business model won't stack up. A certain notorious gentlemen who resides in Harrogate has been trying to get this idea off the ground for a long time - problem is, not many people want to work with him!!