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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,emily b Thought for the Day - July 19,00 (23) RE: Thought for the Day - July 19,00 19 Jul 00

This is truly a horrible trend. Survivor, Big Brother, I want to be a millionaire. Did anyone hear the NPR commentary that poked fun at these shows. The guy was talking about a new show idea. Something like four guys in a room with a big bag of money and knives. He came up with all manner of funny spinoffs. Really quite funny. But the reality isn't. It's hard to believe that there are people out there watching these shows. I'm not an anti-TV snob but I have many other things I'd rather be doing. I feel sorry for the folks that don't.

SINSULL, how do you find out what companies are the sponsors of particular shows? Boycotting sounds like a great idea if I knew who to boycott. Then again, I'm not much of a consumer and don't buy much that's advertised on TV anyway.

Kat, keep us posted about a takeover and count me in.


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