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Wild Flying Dove Dick Frost surprise 70th, MBAC Wed 6 May (10) Dick Frost surprise 70th, MBAC Wed 6 May 20 Apr 09

Dick Frost is 70 this May and we are inviting all those who know Dick or his singing to come along to celebrate with us on Wednesday 6th May at Marlow Bottom Folk and Acoustic Club (prev. Wycombe Folk Club, 8:30. Dick does not know we're inviting everyone so please keep it a surprise!

Dick has been singing and supporting folk music all his life. It would be lovely for him to see and hear the singing of as many of his friends, and fans, as possible! Quite a few people have said they are coming so it should be a great evening and we will make sure that everyone gets a song in! Please let us know if you are hoping to make it - so we can make sure we have a big enough cake!

The venue will be The Pegasus (prev. called TJ O'Reilly's) in Marlow Bottom, SL7 3NA (61 Marlow Bottom Road), Bucks, about 2 miles from Junction 4 of the M40. Do come along if you can.

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