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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Harald Tune Req: The Lonesome Boatman (Finbar Furey) (46) RE: Lonesome boatman 21 Apr 98

Hi Alison, well done ! How did you do that so fast ? Great ! I was curious to see if I already knew that tune, the title didn´t mean much to me. Problem was, first I tried with ABC2WIN, it didn´t work, he didn´t like notes longer than 4/4, you used much of them. I have no soundcard here so midi was of little use, but in the end I downloaded a midi-player that first draws notes on the screen. I heard nothing but was able to play it off the screen (Fortunately I have my mandolin with me today..). Must have looked a little bit funny, ´cause I´m at work here. Well...:-) But at last I recognized the tune after some measures. Good job, Alison !

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