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irishenglish BS: Growing my beard back (32) RE: BS: Growing my beard back 06 May 09

Ebbie, last time I checked-yes!
Neil, it already was greying, so as long as it isn't totally grey, I'll be happy (which it shouldn't it had just a few flecks of grey with the red)
As I said, once I was done, it was an oh shit moment, what have I done! Panic started creeping in, what if it won't grow back, what if it is totally grey, that type of thing. Once I have a little stubble back, I'll feel a lot better. By Friday I should feel a little less self concious. Lets just say that when my wife saw it in person, she said-you look good, now grow it back! Some men just look better with beards, and I think I am definitely one! If anyone wants to see pre and post beard shots, I'm on the facebook mudcat group-robert doyle.

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