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Pigstrings Improvements to Rochester Sweeps Fest? (101* d) RE: Improvements to Rochester Sweeps Fest? 06 May 09

The Sweeps always seems to me a bit of a balancing act between a folk festival and a show for the tourists. I sympathise with the sentiment "more folk music and less Americana and pub rock" but there are a limited number of acts that work in places like the Gordon, the Two Brewers, the Eagle etc. Many folk acts need somewhere an appreciative audience can...appreciate them!! Tricky once the yobs take over the town in the evening.

I'd like to suggest that venues which muck artists about are not included in the programme for future years. They're either supporting the festival or they're not. The TV's off when the music is live.

The City Wall Winebar are a good festival host. They always make us feel we are welcome and appreciated. When the budget's tight, a little appreciation goes a long way.

One thing that would probably improve the festival and Rochester generally would be to burn down the casino rooms...oh, wait a minute....

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