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GUEST,toddletunes Jacomo finane? What does that mean?-Iko Iko (179* d) RE: Jacomo finane? What does that mean? 10 May 09

Hi y'all,

I'm fascinated by the diatribe generated by this topic!!!

Given all the reference to Italianism i.e. Giacomo, etc... has anyone considered (as it sounds on Dr. John's recording) 'Andante' is the Italian name for the tempo describing walking? As in Giacomo fino (is done) an-dan-day (walking)

Think 'Jack don't walk this earth no more, Jack is dead' as you listen to Mac sing 'Jockomo fino an-dan-day, Jockomo fin-a-ne'

I'm not sold on any particular interpretation btw, but that resonated with my interpretation.

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