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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,wheatman Straw Bear Tune (12) RE: Straw Bear Tune 13 May 09

There is no record of any connection with Whittlesey and George Green that I am aware of. My statement above was a mistake. The only link is rattle bone and ploughjack and the tune connected with George is featured on that record after the reference to the letter to Sir James Frazer about Straw Bears. Utilising that tune for Straw Bear just seemed like a good idea by me at the time in 1981, the first time the revival bear danced. Sorry again about the mistake but it's good to have a Straw Bear thread so early in the year, remember next year it goes back a week to 15, 16 and 17 January 2010. Off to Shepley tomorrow, hope the weather improves. Gan Canny Brian

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