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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GaryD Objectionable Material (50) RE: Objectionable Material 22 Apr 98

I like that J., I'm glad you (to put it into the words of a former president), "Clarified, what you've already made perfectly Clear!", or as I use more often, "I know you think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure that you realize that what you heard was not what I meant!"

Seeing as how I'm getting a bit silly with words, maybe you will forgive me for including the following puzzle that is driving me crazy.. Maybe some of you out there can solve this for me. A friend asked me to help. It goes:

There are 3 words in English language that end in "gry" 1 is hungry, and another is angry Everyone knows what it means, everyone knows what it stands for, everyone uses them everyday, If you listen carefully, I've given you the third word. What is it?

Anybody out there like word games? How about it.. thanks, Gary

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