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GUEST,CupOfTea, no cookies Letterman Show-Schwab/Redpath - youtube avail now (53* d) RE: reason to watch the Letterman Show-Schwab/Redp 20 May 09

Ohhhhh! thanks to the MudElf who fixed the subject heading to correct my mistake!!
I love it when reality triumphs. I had been picturing Leno channeling his Scottish grannie and trying to do that accent back at Jean Redpath, though. Darn, that would have been funny. David Letterman is a bit snide for my taste. (but of course I'm going to watch it!)

I've had the pleasure of the company and music of both these ladies. I can't say enough what a fantastic musician and dancer Jacqueline is, while being one of the all time wonderful people in the universe. A Bare Necessities English Country Dance is a transcendental experience - the music carries you to just where you need to be in the dance, driven by Jacqueline's piano.

I had the pleasure of presenting Jean Redpath in her only Cleveland appearance, 14 years ago - I know well the time because I've a vivid picture of her dandling my then un-named very wee sheltie puppy on her lap while I was taking name suggestions. (He was Runyard Barking Kipling, the world's smallest good looking sheltie, until his demise last month) I saved her suggestion for if I ever get another girl dog it would suit. Her knowledge and sly sense of humor on top of such a grand voice make for an amazing concert experience. It's frustrating to know that there won't be more than one song from this duo tomorrow. What a WONDERFUL tour that would be though...

Joanne in Cleveland

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