How far back/pedantic is your concept of "traditional?" Go back 50 years to what might be music hall for "Mick McGilligan's Ball" A search under "ball" may give several other choices. There's an Irish one about spending six long months practicing for one, the name has flown from my memory how um.. broadminded? (The ball at insert your place name for the bawdy song comes to mind...) "New York Girls Can't you dance the polka" Only a throwaway line to a song on a totally different subject. So many lovely songs "in the traditional style" that are contemporary, or nearly so as mentioned above. If the idea of song about dancing is more important than age and generations of tradition, I highly suggest "Didn't I Dance" & "Log Driver's Waltz" and whatEVER you pick: never NEVER NEVER, NEVER, suggest "Waltzing With Bears", no matter HOW traditional it's become somewhere or other... Joanne in Cleveland