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TonyA Lyr Add: Songs of the Louvin Brothers (89* d) Lyr Add: MUST YOU THROW DIRT IN MY FACE (Louvin) 26 May 09

What is it that brings you to this part of town,
Curiosity, conscience, or fate?
I know it's not love, for I once gave you love,
And all you gave me was the gate.
I've a feeling you've come back to just rub it in,
And really put me in my place.

    You've already put big old tears in my eyes.
    Must you throw dirt in my face?

Must you keep telling me you've got a new love?
I don't need you to remind me.
Must you keep telling me I look so lonesome,
And my better days are behind me?
Must you keep showing me pictures of him,
And boasting of his warm embrace?

You've already left me and broken my heart,
And told me how much you don't want me.
Believe me I'm happier when we're apart.
Why must you come back now and haunt me?
Must you keep showing me pictures of him,
And boasting of his warm embrace?

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