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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
irishenglish Valuing your collection (13) Valuing your collection 28 May 09

I had a quick glance around at amazon and ebay recently (actually while searching for cover art for itunes) and found a few listings for rarity cd's which I own, and was very surprised to see how much they had shot up in value. I was astonished to see something like a $60 price for Anne Brigg's The Time Has COme CD reissue from the 90's! So even though I'm not looking to sell, does anyone have a preferred site for seeing the value of their collection? Any tips in the cd age for how cd's may depreciate in value to a collector ( I remember vinyl collecting well, and much like comic books, that prized album that looked pristine on the outside, but had a big scratch between 3 songs would quickly make it lose value)? And what's the most amazing rarity you own?

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