Boy things get interesting when you stop coming on here. In reading this thread I'd like to put my two cents in. Seems to me other than a few trolls, lurkers, stragglers, whatever, by and large everyone here on mudcat thinks the BNP abhorrent, however they mask their language in 2009 (or use it right out in the open). Seems to me to be some question as to the right of the candidate to post on here. Seems to be also that some on here think that this forum should be all inclusive to every view point, regardless of its touchiness as subject matter. Well in the sense that this is a forum, I suppose in a way thats true. However, I get tired of the, I want to hear them speak as long as they are here argument, and I'll make up my mind from there. Most of us know exactly what the BNP stands for, there is little grey matter in this discussion, there is NOTHING I would wish to hear from anyone who is a supporter or someone seeking office on that ticket. I have made up my mind in other words, as have a lot of very fine people on this forum. Why do we have to be subjected to another lesson in tolerance on how to discuss this subject matter when the very point of the thread is about an individual, and a party that is in fact intolerant. I'm paraphrasing Eddie Izzard here when I say, I don't need to talk with you, cos you're a stupid racist bastard, why would I bother.