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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Shaneo Lyr Req: Drink Round Me Boys (13) RE: Lyr Req: Drink Round Me Boys 12 Jun 09

Is this the song you want ?
From The Session

1) Well here is to the ploughboy who toils beneath the sun
his ploughshare on his shoulder he sings to everyone
He ploughs his furrows gaily whatever the weather might be
And he drinks his beer daily a hearty drinker he.

2) And here is to the shepherd who tends his flocks by day
His shepherd docks behind him he leads a life quite gay
At evening into the ale - house to drink his fill he goes
With his shepherd docks behind him the beer it freely flows.

3) Here is to the faggot cutter who works at home like me
He starts to work at six o'clock, he quits whenever he pleased
He cuts his wood in fugged bundles he lays it on the ground
He takes a cord and binds it, no better to be found.

4) I owe no debts, I pay no frets, no troubles to my mind
I have no cradles for to rock, no babies for to mind
I'm bound to lead a single life no matter where I roam
So no man in his life can court my wife and I am far from home.

5) For if I should marry a nice-looking girl my friends would me deceive
If I should marry an ugly girl my friends would laugh at me
If I should marry a big girl she'd surely knock me down
And small women are so damned cantankerous as I have always found.

6) Well here is to...., the founder of the feast
May he go up to heaven and there to rest in peace
He'll never find his equal whatever the perchance to roam

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